Two New Mixed Media Pieces at MQC Fine Art Gallery

Photo mixed media “Bug Eye Gazing” 60″w x 72″h

Photo mixed media “1973” 60″w x 72″h

"Bug Eye Gazing"
Photo mixed media “Bug Eye Gazing” 60″w x 72″h

I presented two new mixed media pieces during Saint Petersburg’s Second Saturday Gallery Walk at the MQC Fine Art Gallery located in the Crislip Arcade, 624 Central Avenue.  My recent body of work is entitled, REM Sleep.  In this body of work, I am exploring the idea of, at what point is a photograph no longer a photograph.  Considering the the history of photography, especially contemporary photography, and the altering of photographs.  There has been hand colored photographs, images manipulated by air brushing, altering Polaroid photographs and more recently the printing of digital images on canvas. (click on images to view enlargement)